
Biz Analyst | Tally on Mobile

Biz Analyst | Tally on Mobile

Tally Biz Analyst is the de facto synonym of Tally on Mobile and is the preferred choice of more than 50000 businesses all over who wish to access Tally Prime on Android and iOS anytime and anywhere.

Tally Biz Analyst helps you understand your customers better on a single screen. You can view your sales, receipts performance, and also the total outstanding of a customer. At the same time, you can take punch invoices and orders, create receipts and create the ledger statement of a customer.

  • Anytime, Anywhere

    Access Tally ERP 9 on Android, and iOS anytime, anywhere with Tally Biz Analyst

  • Works Offline

    Yes! You can view all reports with no Internet connectivity till the last sync.

  • Multi-Company

Can configure it to view multiple companies from your Tally.

  • Amazing Dashboard

    Get all your business-related critical figures in a single screen including Sales, Outstandings, and Bank among others.

  • Mobile Format

    Designed for mobile. So has a very simple mobile-friendly interface. No need to know Tally to use this app.

  • Real-time Reports

    Will update data from your Tally at regular intervals which can be configured as per requirements.

  • Search By Ledger or items

    Get opening and closing balances as well as transactions ledger-wise. Also, check item-wise stock, sales, purchase, and price trends.

  • User Security

    Configure user-wise security to restrict user access to only specific reports and that too for specific ledgers! Also, an option to restrict users company-wise.

  • GPS Tracking

    Get your field team to check in and check-out whenever they make a visit. Admin gets a full report of time in and time out of all users for analysis.

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