
How To Generate Online E-invoice From Tally Prime

How To Generate Online E-invoice From Tally Prime

How To Generate Online E-invoice From Tally Prime.

E-invoicing is currently mandated for businesses with an annual turnover of over Rs 50 crore. By 1 January 2021, it was available to taxpayers with an annual turnover of over Rs 100 crore. Previously By 1 October 2020, the government was announced e-invoicing for taxpayers with an annual turnover of over Rs 500 crore.

TallyPrime provides you with an online e-invoicing solution that fits right into your regular invoicing process. e-Invoicing in TallyPrime isn’t restricted to only a particular voucher type. Apart from regular sales invoices, TallyPrime also supports e-invoicing for POS, debit notes, and credit notes. What’s more, even receipts and journal vouchers are supported for e-invoicing when they are used for sales.

No matter how you record your supplies in TallyPrime, you can easily generate an IRN while saving your invoice and printing the QR code and other details. Later, if you want to update the details of your transaction, then you can easily cancel the current IRN and get a fresh IRN for your updated invoice. This will ensure that the details in your e-invoice are up-to-date. Moreover, you also have the choice of generating the e-Way Bill along with your e-invoice or even generating the e-Way Bill without the e-invoice, if required.

There are some steps given below. its help you easily generate E-invoice without any Problems

1. Required Some Steps for a Smooth e-Invoicing Experience:-

(I) On the E-invoice Portal or IRP (Invoice Registration Portal).

Register your business on IRP (Invoice Registration Portal). (if you are not registered kindly visit our preview Post links are given below. There are Provide Step by step solutions for E-invoice Registrations)

Create an API user by selecting Tally (India) Pvt Ltd as the GSP. Enter this API user credentials in TallyPrime, whenever prompted.

(II) Setup In TallyPrime and systems.

(a) Add TallyPrime to the exceptions list of your firewall and anti-virus software.

(b) Verifications and corrections in the ledgers and inventory masters:

  • Enter the correct 6 digits or more than 6 digit HSN/SAC details in the ledgers and stock item masters(it’s mandatory from 1 April 2021)
  • Enter the correct rates for HSN/SAC.
  • Select the correct Type of Supply (Goods/Services) in the masters.

(c) Verifications and corrections in the party masters:

  • Enter the correct address, state, country, and Pincode of the party.
  • Enter a valid GSTIN for the regular/composite party.

(d) Ensure that your invoice numbers do not start with ‘0’. Invoice numbers starting with ‘0’ are rejected by IRP. Also, ensure that you do not start your invoice numbers with the special characters ‘/’ (forward slash) or ‘-‘ (hyphen) although these characters are allowed as part of invoice numbers.

(e) Enter all the mandatory e-invoice details in the transaction.

(f) Ensure that your invoice numbers start with Alphanumeric for Example TG/2021-22/001.

(g) Ensure that your invoice numbers do not have more than 16 characters (include all symbols).

Generate IRN and Print QR Code in Sales voucher.

You can easily generate an IRN, Achlogment No with QR code while saving your Sales invoice and also print the IRN, Achlogment No with QR code and other details. If you want to Generate your e-Way Bill details along with your e-invoice, then set the option Send e-Way Bill details with e-Invoice to Yes in your company (F11) features. you can visit the given below link For more details.

  • Go to Gateway of TallyVouchers➢Press F8 (Sales).  (Alternatively, press Alt+G (Go To)Create Voucher➢press F8 (Sales).
  • In Party A/c name, select the customer ledger From the Party list or the cash ledger.
  • Select the common sales ledger in which the GST rate is not defined.
  • Select the stock items defined with different GST rates, and HSN Details and specify the quantities and rates for each of them.
  • Select the central and state tax ledgers. GST will be calculated based on the GST rates defined in the stock items.


  • Press Ctrl+I (More Details)➢type or select GST – Tax Analysis to view the tax details. Press Alt+F5 (Detailed) or Press Alt+F1 to view the detailed break-up of tax


  • Press ESC to return to the voucher.
  • Set the option Provide E-Invoice details to Yes. The e-Invoice Details screen appears.

➤ Specify the Bill to place and Ship to place, if this is your first e-invoice for the party. These details will be carried forward in subsequent transactions.


You can also change your dispatch from details for e-invoicing. if you want to change your dispatch from details. 

  • Press F12 (configure) and Set the option Provide Dispatch From details to Yes after that Press Enter. The e-Invoice Details screen appears.


  • Press Ctrl+A to save the details and return to the voucher.

➤ Accept the screen. As always, you can press Ctrl+A to save the voucher otherwise Press Enter to go to next.

➤ The following message will appear, prompting you to generate the invoice:



  • Press Enter to continue.
  • Specify the e-Invoice Login details with API_ in the following screen, and press Enter to continue.

➤ You can track the status of the upload on the following screen:


➤ Once the invoice is uploaded to IRP, the IRN details will be updated in the voucher, and the following success message will appear:



  • Now you can proceed to print the invoice.


  • The e-invoice with the IRN and QR Code will appear as shown below:

Mandatory Details for Generating e-Way Bill with E-Invoice:

➤ If you want to Generate your e-Way Bill details along with your e-invoice, then set the option Send E-Way Bill details with e-Invoice to Yes in your company (F11) features.

➤ There are some mandatory Details For generating E-Way Bill with E-Invoice. such as transporter information or accurate distance between pin codes, which are mandatory for generating the E-Way Bill along with the e-invoice.

➤ Ensure that you specify these details in the Transporter Details section of the Statutory Details screen while recording the invoice.

  • Check the distance between the pin codes entered for Dispatch From and Ship To., and specify the Distance (in KM) accordingly.
  • If the Mode of transport is Road, then Vehicle Number, Vehicle Type, and Date are mandatory.
  • If the Mode of transport is Other than Road (Ship/Air/Rail), then Doc/Lading/RR/AirWay No. and Date is mandatory.
  • If you want to generate Bill to Ship to, to E-waybill then set Show state name for dispatch from and ship to yes from press F12 (Configuration) Features. (it’s working in which transactions who have consignee and consigner belong are different states. if the consignee and cosigner belong to the same state that case it’s not working)

Frequently Asked Questions

[item title=”Can I generate IRN for an Invoice for which IRN is already generated?”]No, only a unique invoice from a taxpayer will be accepted by the e-invoice system. The E-invoice system will check in the Central Registry of GST system to ensure that the same invoice from the same supplier pertaining to the same financial year is not being uploaded again for generating one more IRN.
[item title=”How long will the generated e-invoice be available in the government portal?”]Once the e-invoice system has validated and registered an IRN, it will be made available to the taxpayer for reference on the e-invoice system for only 24 hours.[/item]
[item title=”Can IRN be deleted or cancelled?”]The IRN, once generated cannot be modified or deleted. However, if IRN is generated with the wrong information, it can be cancelled. Once cancelled, the same document (with the same document number) can’t be reported again for the generation of IRN. The cancellation is required to be done within 24 hours from the time of generation.[/item]
[item title=”If there is a mistake or wrong entry in the e-invoice, what has to be done?”]If there is a mistake, incorrect or wrong entry in the e-invoice, then it cannot be edited or corrected. The only option is to cancel that invoice/IRN and report a new document (with a new number) and generate a fresh IRN.
[item title=”What is the meaning of digitally signed QR code?”]The digitally signed QR code of the invoice has been digitally or electronically signed and prepared QR Code by the IRP after receiving the invoice uploaded by the supplier. That is, the government is authenticating the genuineness of the invoice, by preparing the important information of the invoice in QR Code form and signing it so that its authenticity can be verified offline by anyone using offline tools. This will be helpful for tax officers checking the invoice on the roadside where the Internet may not be available all the time. The web user will get a printable form with all details including QR code. The QR code will consist of the following e-invoice parameters:

  1. GSTIN of Supplier
  2. GSTIN of Recipient
  3. Invoice number as given by the Supplier
  4. Date of generation of invoice
  5. Invoice value (taxable value and gross tax)
  6. The number of line items.
  7. HSN Code of the main item (the line item having the highest taxable value)
  8. Unique Invoice Reference Number (IRN)
  9. Date of generation of IRN

[item title=”What are the advantages of e-invoice for businesses?”]e-invoice has many advantages for businesses such as Auto-reporting of invoices into GST return and auto-generation of the e-way bill (where required).[/item]
[item title=”What supplies are presently covered under e-invoice?”]Supplies to registered persons (B2B), Supplies to SEZs (with/without payment), Exports (with/without payment), and Deemed Exports, by notified class of taxpayers are currently covered under e-invoice.[/item]
[item title=”Is e-invoicing applicable for NIL-rated or wholly-exempt supplies?”]No. In those cases, a bill of supply is issued and not a tax invoice.[/item]
[item title=” Whether e-invoicing is applicable for invoices between two different GSTINs under the same PAN?”]Yes. e-invoicing by notified persons is mandated for the supply of goods or services or both to a registered person.

As per Section 25(4) of CGST/SGST Act, “A person who has obtained or is required to obtain more than one registration, whether in one State or Union territory or more than one State or Union territory shall, in respect of each such registration, be treated as distinct persons for the purposes of this Act.”[/item]
[item title=”What is the applicability of e-invoice for import transactions?”]e-invoice is not applicable for import Bills of Entry.[/item]
[item title=” Is Invoice number same as Invoice Reference Number (IRN)?”]No. Invoice no. (e.g. ABC/1/2019-20) is assigned by the supplier and is internal to the business. Its format can differ from business to business and is also governed by relevant GST rules.

IRN, on other hand, is a unique reference number (hash) generated and returned by IRP, on successful registration of ane-invoice. IRN is a unique 64-character hash, e.g.
[item title=” is there Any time Period for uploading E-invoice?”]As per department regulations, which state that e-invoices must be generated within 72 hours of billing. However, TallyPrime will allow you to set a period between 1 and 31 days, as per your business requirement.[/item]
[item title=”Can I Generate bulk E-invoice in Tally Prime”]Yes you can generate Bulk E-invoice For more details kindly read Generate “Bulk E-invoice” [/item]
[item title=”Can I Generate E-way bill with -Einvoice?”]Yes you can generate an E-way bill with E-invoice But it’s possible with a generation of an e-invoice once an e-invoice generate you can’t generate E-waybill automatically[/item]
[item title=” Once -Einvoice Generate how can I generate E-way bill?”]Once E-invoice Generated then 2 options for generating an E-way bill
1. Export the Eway bill in JSON Format and go to E-way bill Portal and upload.
2. Go to E-invoice Portal and there E-way bill generate Through IRN No, Ach No and by Date[/item]

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