How To Migrate Company Data In Tally
Migrate Company Data
TallyPrime comes with a reliable tool to migrate your existing company data and make it compatible. TallyPrime is a significant upgrade to your Tally experience, and therefore it is essential for you to convert your data.
TallyPrime will detect your data from earlier releases (Tally 9 to Tally.ERP 9), and guide you in the migration process. All your transactions, along with your company features, masters, security settings, and so on, will be carried forward seamlessly.
- Press Alt+F3 (Select Company) to open the List of Companies. You can see the status Migration Required against the companies which are on a lower release.
Alternatively, you can also migrate your data from by pressing F1 (Help) > Troubleshooting > Migrate. - Select the company that you want to migrate and press Enter. If the company has a username and password, you will be asked to enter the details.
- Press R (Migrate) to continue. If you want to alter the backup path and data location before migrating, then press C (Configure).
After migration is complete, your company data is ready to be used in TallyPrime.
If there are any issues in the company data, it is recommended that you the data before migrating.
Migrate data from Tally 5.4, 6.3 and 7.2
If you are using older releases of Tally (such as 5.4, 6.3, and 7.2), you cannot migrate your data directly to TallyPrime. You will have to first migrate your data to Tally.ERP 9, and then migrate to TallyPrime.
To migrate data from releases below Tally.ERP 9, you need the migration tool tally72migration.exe that is available in Tally.ERP 9 installation folder. Before migrating data, it is recommended that you backup your data.
- Copy company data of Tally 5.4, 6.3, or 7.2 to the data folder in Tally.ERP 9.
- Start the (tally72migration.exe) from the location where it is available.
- Select Migrate Data in the ERP 9 Data Migration Tool screen as shown below:
- Enter the company data path in the Directory field and select the company in the Name field.
- Press Enter when the Rewrite? message appears, and press Enter when the message Backup before rewriting? appears. The data is backed up before being rewritten to Tally 7.2 format for migration.
- Press Enter when the Migrate? message appears.
On successful migration, the message Migration Completed, Check Statistics appears. Compare the statistics and ensure that data migration is complete.
Migrate Data to TallyPrime Edit Log Release 2.1 or Later Versions
If your business falls under the purview of MCA’s Audit Trail compliance, then you must be using TallyPrime Edit Log Release 2.1 or later versions. You will need to migrate your data to TallyPrime Edit Log.
If you were using TallyPrime Release 2.0.1 or lower, then you will get the following message during migration.
It is important to note that:
- The product will start creating Edit Log for transactions, stock items, ledgers, and accounting groups for all activities.
- If the method of voucher numbering is Automatic in any Voucher Type, then it changes to Automatic (Manual Override).
Automatic voucher number leads to the creation of Edit Log for subsequent vouchers whenever you add, insert, duplicate, or delete a voucher.
So, during the migration, TallyPrime changes the voucher numbering method.
However, after migration, you can revert it back to Automatic, if needed.
Migrate TallyPrime Release 2.1 data to TallyPrime Edit Log Release 2.1
There may be a situation that you are using TallyPrime Release 2.1 and you want to start using TallyPrime Edit Log Release 2.1 because:
- Your company has starting falling under the purview of MCA’s Audit Trail compliance.
- You like maintaining Edit Logs for masters and transactions and want to make it a permanent practice in your organization.
In this case there can be two scenarios:
Migrating from TallyPrime Release 2.1 with Edit Log Disabled
Consider that you are migrating the data of TallyPrime Release 2.1 to Edit Log disabled to TallyPrime Edit Log Release 2.1. In such a case, TallyPrime Edit Log Release 2.1 displays the same message as in the case of data migration from TallyPrime Release 2.0.1 or lower to TallyPrime Edit Log.
Migrating from TallyPrime Release 2.1 with Edit Log Enabled
Consider that you are migrating data of TallyPrime Release 2.1 with Edit Log enabled to TallyPrime Edit Log Release 2.1. In such a case, TallyPrime Edit Log displays the following message.
It is important to note that if there are Edit Logs created for transactions and masters in the data, then those logs will be retained.
Migrate TallyPrime Edit Log Release 2.1 data to TallyPrime Release 2.1
It may be possible that you downloaded and installed TallyPrime Edit Log Release 2.1. However, your business does not fall under the purview of MCA’s Audit Trail compliance. So, in such a case, you will be downloading and installing TallyPrime Release 2.1 and migrate the TallyPrime Edit Log Release 2.1 data to TallyPrime Release 2.1.
At the time of data migration, TallyPrime Release 2.1 will show the following message.
In this case, two things happen:
- The Edit Log feature remains enabled.
- In the Edit Log report under Company, an activity of migration gets recorded.
This is because the activity of migration keeps the Edit Log enabled in TallyPrime Release 2.1, which initiates the creation of Edit Log for future activities in transactions and masters.