
Introduction to Tally Prime Server

Introduction to Tally Prime Server

Introduction to Tally Prime Server

Tally solutions had last year released one of the biggest upgrade of Tally.ERP 9 i.e. TallyPrime. Hereafter, all new releases will be called Tally Prime instead of Tally.ERP 9.

The enterprise class product Tally Sever 9 which is used to enable concurrency in operations in Tally is now called TallyPrime Server. Tally Prime Server can only be used along with Tally Prime gold software license.

It is used to enhance and boost the performance of Tally when the software is loaded with huge data. Huge data along with heavy user commands may lead to a comparatively lower Tally performance. This is when the need of a server client structure arises which is fulfilled by Tally Prime Server.

Other than boosting the performance of Tally, TallyPrime server also provides a bunch of other features such as

Higher data security

Some additional data security features are made available in Tallyprime server for better Tally data security. TallyPrime Server gives the admin the authority to hide the data path from the users. Thus all users using Tally will not know where the data is saved on the server and hence no alterations or changes can be made by any user. And data stays safe and authentic.

Better Monitor and control

Administrator gets the right to view each user activity in a detailed manner. A complete log report is made available to the admin. Admin can check the users logged in, the companies that are open, the entries that are being made and also the time spent by the user doing a certain task. An ideal deadline can be set depending on the average time spent by an efficient user completing a certain task. This will ensure work is being done efficiently.

High concurrency

Tally multiple user license can be used by many users simultaneously. When Tally is overloaded with data, the waiting time of each user may increase and this might affect the work efficiency. Tally Prime Server tackles this problem and allows multiple users work simultaneously by eliminating the waiting time.

Minimum downtime

Downtime is experienced mostly at the time of a backup but with TallyPrime server, users do not have to stop working as backup happens at the server and does not affect the client PC. Thus client PC remains unaffected in most cases and chances of system having a downtime is almost brought down to zero with TallyPrime server. You can ensure more work is done while using TallyPrime server.

Optimise your resources

With all the above mentioned features, TallyPrime Server will surely bring up the work efficiency of your employees by providing them the power of this enterprise class product.

We can say Tally Prime server not only helps boost the performance of Tally but it also boosts the performance of the people working with Tally.

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